Tuesday, June 29, 2010


aku : bella, ni baru B2ST. kalau Big Bang??
bella : .....
aku : TOP!!!!!!!!
bella : T_T

Monday, June 28, 2010


if u don't fall for this, then u are...erm..i dunno what to call u lah.

but it's certainly ridiculous if u think THIS IS NOT CUTE DEMMIT waaaaahhh

Saturday, June 26, 2010

WTF moment

tangan menggeletar. hati berdebar. panas.

sebab apa? bengang. nak marah. tak puas hati.

kau dah busted dah. segala rahsia dah pecah.
tapi berlagak macam almighty gila.
macam you own the world.
macam.. ahh.. bodoh rasanya.

aku rasa sangat frust sebab tak boleh find solution pasal masalah tu. aku nak jaga aib orang tu, but at the same time aku tak nak orang ni dibutakan.

susah kan. niat yang baik diperlekehkan. disampahkan.

kau. boleh blah.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

one ok rock

new craze~

ONE OK ROCK <--- nama tak boleh lagi pelik ke?

prof parodies

terbaek :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010


check out this guy.

Nick Pitera

Saturday, June 12, 2010

complete package

s-line figure.
mad dancing skill.
killer voice.
badazz rapper.
beyonce. =p

Kahi unnie saranghae <3

Monday, June 7, 2010



i can't help but the hid my face with the shirt and tried hard not to listen to what he said because it's too AWKWARD...............

rain :

they told me i was nominated for the BADAZZZ star.

*ready for awkward moment*

yeah, i've been working out.



we still love ya rain.
just, try not to open your mouth. just stand there and look good.
yeah. that's all you gotta do.
okie? ^_^

this is what happened when there's too much to handle

* click on the picas untuk tatapan yang sangaaaaaatt memuaskan. :D

Saturday, June 5, 2010




and also at 3:07 some random reporter : Datuk please speak louder!

haha. tergelak je.

nasib baik aku tak pergi. asalnya plan nak pergi. konon2 nak la experience macam ni.
but looking at the footage, man, aku rasa awal2 lagi aku dah pengsan kat tengah jalan kekurangan oksigen. tapi nampak best gila. serious. semangaaatt!!! hehe.

tapi aku tak suka bila benda ni dipolitikkan. cuba balik kepada niat asal.

nak tolong umat palestin kan? so stick to that.

Park Bom the chubby bunny who likes bread and corn =p

and she's too underrated :(