- pergi pantai. picnic. makan sotong bakar. buat istana pasir. timbus2 orang. kutip seashells and ketam. main ombak. rasa air laut.
- lepak dengan budak sekolah menengah dulu. semua dah busy.
- makan coconut jelly kat restoren tepi sungai. import khas dari thailand. dulu masa duduk mrsm bila weekend parents mesti datang bawak 2 biji kelapa besar gabak. then share dengan rommates. :)
- buli orang. last time masa form 5. tu pun aku still baik. tak jahat sangat. nak jaga air muka orang. zaman jahiliah aku masa form 1. sangat best. kesian roommate kena buli ngan aku. sorry nadiah :)
- pergi genting. last time dengan ex-housemates kat cyberia. housemates baru ni bila pulak nak start plan???? :(
- buat jahat. macam ponteng kelas ke, lawan cikgu ke, gaduh ngan senior ke. sangat best. terasa diri sangat hebat. hahaha.
- menangis. mata aku dah kering. kena ada something untuk stimulate aku untuk keluarkan air mata. *menangis sebab tengok drama korea tak kira ya >.<*
- marah orang direct on the face. dah tak ada courage. maybe dah belajar control temper kot. itu benda bagus :)
- shopping macam nak mati. hurm.. pernah ke aku buat macam tu?
- jadi emo. best. rasa isolated gila. tak ada orang berani kacau. really like that moment :D
Monday, December 28, 2009
benda yang difikir bila dah bosan
Thursday, December 10, 2009
ISA. kejar. aku.
apparently, me and my friend farah said something about the government and it was posted all over in the internet. so we had to run. somewhere. i remember running on the highway, specifically roundabout kat cyberjaya. cyberjaya?
then i went back home. rumah kat tanah merah. sebelum aku pindah time form 1. then there's this guy, who's role is to be my father. eyh? but he's not my father since he used stretcher and he didn't look like my real father. well, maybe he's my stepfather ke kan lol. he stopped me from running away. pastu aku dah tak ingat ape jadi.
skipped skipped skipped sampai part aku kat main campus. aku nak call farah tanya dia nak lari kat mana. then dia datang kata nak pindah mrsm jasin??? gilak? budak u turun level sekolah menengah eyh?
pastu sedar2 dah pukul 10. damn. best gila mimpi. ISA. ngahaaa~
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
back off
but i don't need you to look after me.
i can handle myself.
walaupun aku tahu aku tak boleh nak jaga diri aku.
tapi i prefer it that way.
mungkin aku ego.
even if i am, biarlah.
aku lagi selesa.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
random updates
- last moday aku, nash, fara, safy, sofy went for a movie. PISAU CUKUR!! sangat best. bitchy gila. gedik fazura sangat menjadi. maya karin sangat lawa. gigi besi sangat cute and sweet. aww...
- Basic Life Support exam dah lepas. tak tahu la lulus ke tidak. aku tak kisah pun. whateverrr.
- Sunathon? macam dah malas nak masuk. aku pun takut nak sunat orang. takut masa depan orang tu rosak sebab aku. KDK (ketawa dengan kuat, as in LOL : laughing out loud)
- esok? exam. macam biasa. dah immune dengan exam. tiap2 minggu exam. hari2 study. tiap2 hujung minggu terperuk kat rumah buat assignment. bosannya hidup macam tu.
- Genting. yes. kami plan nak berpoya2 lepas final pathology. heading to Genting yo!
- currently start dengar bacaan quran kat ikim dan tengok video pasal islam kat utube. dah nak ajal la ni kot. eish. bak kata mamat yang makan orang tu : dont talk about death when u're still breathing. ya betul! saya sokong.
- hari sabtu ni nak tengok 2012 dengan aufa. yeay! then buy shoes. desperate sangat2 ni.
- currently dah agak bosan dengan makanan bernama nasi, maggi, pasta, tuna dan sardin. nak cekodok!!!
- mamat tu still tak tegur aku. damn.. whatever lah.
- aku suka ayat ni "kenapa kita tak nak look stupid in front of someone we like? then how are we going to live with our partner for the rest of our lives without looking stupid once in a while?" kan kan? suka sangat nak kontrol depan pakwe. macam hipokrit. tu yang cerai berai tu. buat natural suda..
p/s : wei nurliyana binti al-bakri. bile nak lepak sama2? dah lama aku ajak tau. kau ni busy yang amat ni... T_T
Thursday, November 5, 2009
lepas tu aku dah tak ingat apa yang berlaku. sedar2 alarm aku tengah memekak.
aku bangun, termenung.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
pagi ini sangat sejuk.
markah exam still tak improve. apa aku nak buat? how to deal with it?
aku sebenarnya dah sesat. sejak bila, aku pun tak pasti. kalau dulu semangat nak jadi cikgu berkobar2 walaupun aku dah masuk medic school. dah berjuta kali aku berhajat nak bagitahu parents aku yang aku nak tukar course. tapi faktor duit dan perasaan menjadi penghalang. kalau aku tukar course, aku kena bayar balik MARA. or to be exact PARENTS aku kena bayar balik MARA. dan parents aku mesti disappointed, lagi2 ayah aku. nak sangat anak dia jadi doktor macam dia. bangga. bagi tahu satu kampung, or em, pejabat, yang anak dia masuk medic school, ikut jejak dia. hati aku? aku tolak ke tepi.
sampai satu masa, tengah lunch dengan ayah, aku bagi tahu pasal ni. not exactly aku bagi tahu yang aku nak tukar course, tapi aku kata yang aku takut tak boleh survive bila masuk first year. yang aku ni makin hari makin malas. tak serajin zaman spm. yang aku guna banyak duit bila masuk medic school tu. yang aku tak nak repeat kalau aku gagal.
ayah diam.
air mata aku menitik ke dalam pinggan di atas meja. tunduk. menanti jawapan. menanti ayah bersuara. dalam hati i pray hard that he won't get emotional. he won't say that he disappointed in me. he won't cry, perhaps even in his heart.
aku tengok ayah. dia nampak tenang. dia kata, belum cuba belum tahu. belajar, mana ada yang senang. ayah dulu masa belajar pun pernah gagal. kena repeat. normal saja.
tapi ayah, kolej ni kalau repeat kena bayar sampai poket kosong. dan mungkin MARA tarik balik pinjaman. aku bersuara dalam hati. aku tahu, kalau aku sebut pasal duit, both of my parents akan kata, jangan risau pasal duit. duit banyak, cukup untuk anak2 belajar. rezeki tu ada di mana2. Tuhan tu maha kaya, maha pemurah. Dia akan tolong kita.
"kakak try lah dulu. kalau tak boleh jugak nak buat macam mana. jangan cepat putus asa. hidup ni kalau kita usaha mesti Tuhan tolong. jangan fikir yang kita tak boleh buat itu, tak boleh buat ini. insyaALLAH, kalau kita yakin dengan diri sendiri, Tuhan mesti tengok usaha kita."
.... ayah diam lagi.
"tapi ayah tak nak paksa. kakak fikir apa yang terbaik untuk kakak. memang, kalau boleh ayah nak at least seorang daripada anak2 ayah ikut ayah. tapi kalau kakak nak benda lain, terpulanglah."
then our conversation stopped.
dan itulah perbualan antara aku dan ayah yang terakhir. perbualan yang melibatkan hati dan perasaan.
lepas tu, aku selalu mengelak bila ayah nak cakap dengan aku. aku takut dia sentuh pasal hal tu lagi. dan aku tak nak menangis. sebab aku dah nekad, sejak ayah aku sakit, aku dah tak fikir apa2 lagi. aku tolak cita2 aku. aku tolak keinginan aku. apa nak jadi pun, jadilah. aku dah tetap, aku akan teruskan dengan course ni. aku tak nak ayah sedih. kalau dia sebut pasal hal tu lagi, aku takut aku ubah fikiran. aku takut aku jadi ragu2. and i don't want it to happen.
bila tiba hari aku nak berangkat ke kolej, aku salam dan peluk ayah. aku jarang peluk ayah. tapi kali ni aku kena. aku nak mintak maaf. tapi aku tak tahu kenapa mulut aku terkunci rapat. rasa sebak dalam hati. tapi aku tahan diri daripada menangis.
seminggu kemudian, mak cik aku call.
mak cik : kakak, kita balik kelantan malam ni.
aku : ....... kenapa?
mak cik : ....... ayah sakit.
aku : ........ ok.
aku tahu. this kind of moment will come somehow. tapi aku tak expect secepat ni. i pray so hard, and that aku harap biarlah, biarlah at least sampai aku sempat beraya dengan ayah.
aku tiba di hospital around 7am. aku masuk bilik, tengok orang di sekeliling katil. aku salam ibu, peluk, nangis. aku baca yassin. aku tak tahu berapa kali aku ulang bacaan yassin. mak cik aku kata, kakak, pergi mintak maaf dengan ayah. ayah dengar, cuma tak boleh bagi respond.
aku pegang tangan ayah. sejuk. sekali lagi, mulut aku terkunci. i can only look at him.
kami sekeluarga berkumpul di luar. mak cik dan pak cik aku sangat tenang. as if nothing bad happened. siap buat lawak lagi. gelak2. aku tahu. mereka cuma tak nak tegangkan keadaan. they wanted to be strong, for our sake. terima kasih. sebab itulah aku sayang mereka.
tiba2 doctor rushed into the room. kami bangun. waiting. i knew what's gonna happen. kami masuk tengok ayah. there's no hope. masa tu aku rasa macam nak tikam2 diri. marah. menyesal. menyesal aku tak spend time dengan ayah sebelum ni. marah sebab tak mampu mintak maaf dengan ayah.
after what happened, aku dah tak tahu nak buat apa. aku dah tak ada perasaan nak tukar course. dan aku pun dah tak ada semangat nak teruskan medic. sebab the only reason i've made it this far is because of ayah. kalau bukan sebab ayah, tak ada makna aku nak sacrifice over something yang aku tak rela.
result pun makin menurun. setiap kali nak exam, aku mesti homesick. bila dah homesick, aku tak ada mood nak belajar. hati aku di rumah. dengan family. dengan ayah.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
my sister's graduation was kind of..well.. don't really know how to describe it since i was there like 15 minutes before the ceremony finished and that i did not buy or play anything at the carnival. so, yeah, macam tu la. and it was hot gila. with me wearing baju kurung. panas.
and right now i'm stuck in cyberheight again. and i got final exam. physiology. dang. don't know whether i can deal with this. feels like quitting. always. but as usual, i'm in a situation that does not allow me to do what i really really really wanted. living a life like this really sucks. but hey, that's life. haha.
off topic.
i just don't understand one thing la. how can a person, or exactly a muslim, i mean not just a regular muslim la. the one that went to sekolah agama and all, wearing tudung labuh and then suddenly like so free when that person got out from the school. i don't really care la about she wearing baju lengan pendek and all, but how can she freely talked about something that's so obviously wrong. saying something like "kalau tuuut pegi kat kolam ni sure tudung melayang ntah ke mana dah."
nak buat something like that don't say it in front of other people la. it seems like that person was encouraging other people to do what she did. it felt so wrong. like, how can you solat during ramadhan only? no use at all. freakingly fake. and i blame myself for not being able to say this to that person. because i wasn't that perfect either. but if i wanna do something bad, i won't go around telling other people la, at least. just keep it to yourself and don't make it so obvious. as simple as that.
seriously what's wrong with people lately.
Monday, September 28, 2009
tidur pun tak nak. otak lembab. kata prof hamdan.
bukak facebook. bosan.
friendster. macam nak tutup je akaun tu.
nak buat case study. habuk pun tak jumpa dalam antara-jaring (internet)
gosip dengan housemates. best.
ya allah. tambah lagi dosa aku hari ni.
semalam pergi low yatt. banyak benda nak beli.
printer. thumbdrive. printer.
duit tak cukup. simpan balik niat.
then singgah jusco beli barang.
ack~ habis 55 ringgit malaysia.
kfc chicky meal. around 10 ringgit malaysia.
stock makanan untuk sebulan. 30 ringgit malaysia.
sampai cyber. kemas barang. bukak laptop.
bosan balik.
hari jumaat ni nak pergi pahang.
tapi takut tak sempat siap assignment.
dah la final.
tch~sangat pening. dilemma.
sekarang still wondering nak tidur ke tak.
dah pukul 5.30. tak payah la najwa.
kau ni dah la cepat lupa.
tidur petang lagi la tak jalan otak tu.
bukak blog mamat ni. dengar lagu lenka.
macam best. nak download kejap lagi.
buat lagu senang tidur.
ok. case study tak siap lagi.
Monday, September 7, 2009
a battle
where should i start..
i was shocked to see my dad. he looked so thin. badan macam tinggal rangka. i would mistook him for my tuk ayah (grandfather) you know. seriously. the whole body was like being burnt, due to the effect of radiotherapy.
i'm so sorry.
i'm sorry that i didn't go near you. it's because if i look at you, i will cry. and i don't want you to see me cry. cuz you will cry too. and when you cry, it will only burden you more. so that's why i can only see you from far. i felt guilty for doing that. i may seems heartless, but i'm battling inside as well. i'm considering about lots of things. it's not that i don't want to give my parents a call, but i just don't want to think about what happen. cuz if i do, i will cry, and cry, and cry. what can i get from crying? it won't solve my problem, nor it will cure my father. and i even cry right now while saying this.
may God forgive me. and may He brings back health to my father. Amiin.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
takut. nak jawab exam.
happy. nak balik rumah.
tapi macam ada yang tak kena.
hopefully nothing bad is going to happen.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
fast updates
dah berhabuk rupanya.
like the title said, this is the fast updates from me:
- currently in 1st year of medical studies. a tough year. sebab dah tak boleh nak berfoya-foya macam dulu. walaupun tadi baru saja berfoya-foya.
- exam pertama dah lepas. agak shock sikit sebab baru kenal dengan format paper tu.
- tempat tinggal pun agak shock. cun. tapi agak terpinggir dengan kemudahan awam.
- oh ya. projek skodeng melalui tingkap yang aku rasa macam tak ada gunanya di situ. best. XD
- kantoi skodeng. serious aku nak baling kamera canon gabak dia tu.
- ayah dah boleh balik rumah. habis radioterapi. lega sikit.
- H1N1
- terpaksa batalkan niat nak pergi konsert. *sigh*
- tahun ni ramai.. ??(terpaksa delete atas sebab2 tertentu)
- ingat nak balik hari merdeka ni. tapi tiket habis. sedih.
- kemungkinan akan dapat kereta kakak punya tak lama lagi.
- rumah di cyberheights lagi mental daripada rumah di cyberia. manusia tak pernah bersyukur.
- kolej pindah bangunan baru. agak grand la sikit.
- orang rumah sebelah bajet cun. samdol. badigol.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
or maybe permanently.
for how long? i don't know.
perhaps till i'm ready to be blogging again.
or maybe i won't be blogging anymore.
please don't ask me why.
thank you.
Monday, June 29, 2009
filem yang sangat best. tapi sayang panggung tak terima.
aku tak nak cakap banyak. tengok dan nilai sendiri.
Gadoh tells a story of a group of teenagers who fought each other along racial lines; a cycle of hatred and violence further escalated by their environment and school system.
What was to be a quick resolution to improve the school’s bad image, was taken as an opportunity for one teacher who believed that real change was possible. She ropes in the help of an old friend and reluctant maverick theater activist for this arduous task.
Is there hope amidst the cycle of discrimination that surrounds us? Watch Gadoh for their story, and what it may very well tell us about ourselves.
Movie Info:
Duration: 70 mins
Director: Brenda Danker, Namron
Producer: Anna Har
Production Company: Big Pictures Productions
Supported by Pusat KOMAS
Starring: Namron, Nicholas Liew Davis, Zahiril Adzim, Amerul Affendi and Maya Tan Abdullah
Language: Bahasa Malaysia with English/BM subtitles
Poster design by: Alexdrina Chong, Lucid Design Collaborative Studio
credit to ohartis.com
why america?
to be honest, it sounds kinda lame. and they could have done another MV for the english version, not dubbing with stupid voices and insert new shots in the old MV. and even with the english version, i still don't know what they're saying if there's no lyrics in front of me.
i don't understand why korean artist berlumba-lumba nak promote themselves in america. they look so desperate to me. it's not like i hate them for doing that, but when they're in US market, they are completely a different person. their music has been americanized. look at what US did to Se7en's "Girls" and Boa's "I Did It For Love". that is soo not korean.
the reason we cheer for korean artist is because of their music, which is unique. and because we're tired with american songs who's been talking about nothing but money, sex and so on.
and i hope JYP will make a new MV for "Tell Me". and WG needs to brush up their voices and accent as well.
WG Fighting!
and oh, some previews for their performance in JoBro's concert. seriously the crowd was so silent. were they dying or what? well, i guess they were trying to figure out what the hell was happening on the stage and who the heck were those bunch of weird-dance-movement-with-accent girls..
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Hypercalcaemia is an elevated calcium level in the blood. It can be an asymptomatic laboratory finding, but because an elevated calcium level is often indicative of other diseases, a diagnosis should be undertaken if it persists. It can be due to excessive skeletal calcium release, increased intestinal calcium absorption, or decreased renal calcium excretion.
btw, i passed the driving test. not much of a news anyway considering the fact that my dad probably had not improve so well. i can deal with hypercalcaemia, but certainly push aside the possibility of getting multiple myeloma case.
Friday, June 26, 2009
the legend
it's still unknown whether he really converted into Islam or not.
if he did, i hope the funeral would be according to the Islamic way. at least, his Muslim brother can take care of it.
i feel really sad right now, even though i'm not really a big fan of MJ but i loved watching him do the moonwalk thing.
and right now it's all just a history.
to think about it, it's really tragic, you know, of the way he died. because dia baru saja nak buat comeback, to clear all the stupid scandals. to tell you the truth, i never believed that he molested those kids. he just loved the children, how could he ever hurt em? i blamed all those stupid media who are incredibly jealous of MJ's success.
but then, hanya Tuhan saja that knows the truth.
god bless you MJ. may you rest in peace.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
get smart
Tidak semua perkara yang benar itu logik
Kisah 1: Seorang kafir (OK) berkata pada orang mukmin (OM) yang sedang berwudhuk:
OK: “Kenapa kamu wudhuk?
OM: “Aku tadi batal wudhuk sebab terkentut”
OK: ” Aku heran, kamu kentut di belakang tapi kenapa kamu cuci muka, tangan, kepala dan kaki kamu? Kenapa kamu tidak cuci tempat yang keluar kentut?
OM: “Ini arahan Tuhanku, aku taat saja”
OK: “Jelas sekali agama kamu ini tidak benar. Arahannya tidak logik sama sekali”
OM: “Kebenaran itu tidak semestinya logik”
OK: ” Apa buktinya?
OM: Yuk ikut aku
OM membawa OK ke sebuah pintu. Lalu OM memegang tangan OK, kemudian menyepit tangan OM dengan pintu itu. OK menjerit kesakitan.
OK: Aduh tangan aku sakit…tolong lepaskan tangan aku!
OM: Baiklah…inilah jawabanku: tangan kamu yang sakit, tapi kenapa mulut kamu yang menjerit.
OM pun meninggalkan OK yang bodoh sombong itu dalam kesakitan….
Tidak semua perkara yang logik itu benar..
Kisah2: Seorang kafir (OK) berkata kepada orang mukmin (OM)
OK: Tuhan kamu sungguh tidak adil
OM: Kenapa?
OK: Tuhan kamu menghukum manusia dan syaitan yang jahat di dalam neraka yang terbuat dari api. Tentu saja manusia tersiksa tapi syaitan enak saja.
OM: Kenapa begitu?
OK: Yalah…manusia dicipta dari tanah, kalau dibakar dengan api hangus, sakitlah. Tapi syaitan dicipta dari api, kalau dibakar dengan api relaks lah….tdk terasa apa-apa….
OM: Tidak begitu. Tuhan aku kata, mereka semua akan tersiksa…
OK: Ah…tdk mungkin. Logiknya manusia saja yg tersiksa, syaitan tidak
OM diam sebentar, lalu dia meninggalkan OK. Beberapa waktu kemudian OM datang lagi dengan membawa sebongkah tanah keras dan melemparnya tepat ke dahi OK. Dahi OK luka berlumuran darah. Kemudian dia membawa OM menghadap seorang hakim. Setelah mendengar cerita dari kedua belah pihak ttg kejadian itu, maka hakim bertanya pada OM.
Hakim: mengapa kamu lempar OK begitu?
OM : Maaf Tuan Hakim, OK mengatakan bahwa Tuhan tidak adil kerana menghukum manusia dan syaitan yang jahat di dalam neraka yang terbuat dari api. Tentu saja manusia tersiksa tapi syaitan enak saja sbb syaitan dicipta dari api. Logiknya memang begitu, tapi itu tidak benar. TIDAK SEMUA YANG LOGIK ITU BENAR. Sebagai buktinya saya lempar dia dengan tanah. Logiknya OK, manusia yg dicipta dari tanah kalau dilempar dengan tanah tidak sakit, bukan? Tapi buktinya OK luka dan sakit. Saya tidak bermaksud menyakitinya, saya hanya mau menjawab pertanyaannya.
Renungan kepada para pengagum Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, para saintis, filosof dan yang sejenis dengannya
Kalau begitu, siapakah sebenarnya manusia yang paling cerdik? Einstein, dll yang kafir atau orang mukmin (walaupun dia hanya tukang kebun)?
credit to ohtidak
Thursday, June 18, 2009
why? kenapa aku tak update? (tiru modal Shino from Naruto.dang that guy is funny and annoying at the same time XD)
sebab aku busy. itu alasan terbaik kan?
my dad got admitted to the hospital. something's wrong with his back. i dunno what's the medical terms for it. although i SHOULD know considering i'm taking medical, and i JUST learned about the bones last semester. so yeah, it's pretty much like it and i have to take care of him. sounds noble? tch. i don't think so.
to be honest i never expect him to experience this kind of situation. never thought he would get sick, sick as in REALLY sick. i mean cuz he's a doctor, and doctors in general SHOULD NOT get sick. coz who's going to take care of the others if the doctor can't take care of himself? right?
well, maybe i'm just the only one who thinks like that.
for this 21st June 2009,
cuz we miss watching you chasing the kitties around the house! (haha. don't think i didn't know that, dad.)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
p/s : did i tell u that Bleach is soooo boring?? up until episode 6 and i've had enough. i don't know why it's so popular. Naruto and One Piece are sooo much better. I'M JUST SAYING.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
ya, ada dua yana. so to make it easier, aku namakan yana suju dan yana dbsk.
kerana aku najwa big bang. hehe ^_^
suju : wei, nanti ujung taun ni maybe ade konsert suju. mau datang??
dbsk : ha???waaa...bestnye!!
big bang : aku boley je. call je, nanti pandai2 la aku carik duit.berape bajet?
suju : paling koman 1 rat. tu pon nanti kepala dorang nampak cam semut je la.
dbsk : ha..er..T_T
big bang : paling depan?
suju : gile? 5 rat. mane nak kebas?
dbsk : aa..x ley murah lagi ke?
suju : bajet between 1 rat hingge 3 rat. 5 rat aku pon x mampu..
big bang : 3 rat pon jadi la...
dbsk : adeh..ikat perot gua nanti.. ;((
big bang : oo pastu nanti SS501 pon maybe de gak december ni.
suju : ok set.
dbsk : aiyark!!
itulah perbualan tak seberapa between ELF, Cassiopeia dan VIP.
anda akan memahami terms ini jika anda berjiwa korea.
note : perbualan ini aku punya version. bahasa mereka tidak sekasar itu. saja nak bagi spice.biar bunyi kaw2 sikit.
big bang : bile big bang nak wat concert kt msia neyh??
suju : tawakkal je bro..
Sunday, June 7, 2009
to tell you the truth the reunion was really enjoyable for the first half.
but then towards the end, i've been told about things that i thought would be good for me if i didn't know em. because those secrets somehow will change my perspectives towards certain people, especially for someone that was so innocent back in the high school, but perhaps due to culture shock or whatever the reason is, she's not so innocent anymore.
it's somehow amazing how different places can change people's behavior. and it's a lot more amazing how love can shatter their strong faith.
if love is able to give such influence, then perhaps i don't want to be involved in it. at all.
rakan yang pernah aku pandang tinggi suatu ketika dahulu kini ku pandang sebelah mata saja. atau mungkin aku tak mahu langsung untuk menoleh kearahnya lagi. kerana bimbang hati aku akan mengutuk dan mencerca kelakuannya, peribadinya.
kalau nak ditegur. orang kata:
"alah..biarlah dia.. dah besar panjang.tau la pikir sndiri.."
masalahnya, perlukah mereka dibiarkan semata-mata alasan manusia itu sudah besar?
aku sendiri pun tak tahu.
Friday, June 5, 2009
i say i like WHEESUNG. maybe because :
- he's korean
- he has the look..and shades
- he's humble (how do i even know this??)
- his rap is better (even though i don't know what the heck is he talking about)
- he's better at moving the body
filem tak tidur malam
uber blog - joudan ka?
- suka spongebob (adakah itu sesuatu yang menarik?)
- memiliki kereta biru (menarik baginya..kot)
- watashi no aneki
- kanojo wa shigoto ga suki desu
- i GUESS she likes adam gaybert (which is weird, not interesting. lol)
- suka jepun. which is cool :)
- suka anime
- suka drama jepun
- suka lagu jepun
- suka fesyen jepun
- suka bahasa jepun
- suka negara jepun
- ....i told u i like japan
- sehari kalau tak dengar at least 1 lagu jepun/korea memang tak sah
- fakta paling penting : unpredictable. seriously. sometimes i just don't understand myself
- can
- i
- just
- tag
- anyone
- who
- reads
- this
- post
- question mark (?)
Monday, June 1, 2009
- IC
- CIMB card
- CUCMS card
- driving test card
aku rase cam nak tendang sumer orang je. cane la boley jatuh. tak penah2 jadik camtu. sial.
kalo wallet aku cam naruto kan best. kalo jatuh snang nak jumpe. pncurik pon tak minat nak amek. ne~gama-chan?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
driving license
computer test : 48/50
time taken : 8 minutes 15 seconds
**sedih sebab tak dapat full tapi bangga sebab buat tak sampai 10 minit. hehe**
alkisahnya, semalam first time test kereta. agak bangga kerana dipuji cepat pick up oleh kak ma. *riak*
hari ini, ujian memandu bukan dengan kak ma, tapi dengan seorang abang yang, er, tak payah cakaplah. aku menerima balasan dari tuhan kerana perasaan riak tersebut. agak beberapa kali jugaklah kereta aku termati enjin. dan aku agak fail bila time nak parking. sebab tak ingat kena pusing belah mana, berapa kali nak pusing. tapi bangga tak pernah langgar palang. *riak balik*
huh. berpeluh satu badan. sebab panas ok. air cond tak ada. bukan sebab gabra. *cover line*
then i thought practice sudah habis. tapi tiba2..
kak ma : najwa, jom gi test kat jalan raya
aku : hah? alamak.. boley ke kak ma.. parking pun tak lepas lagi ni...
kak ma : takpe2.slow2 je..
memang sangat nervous. tapi bila keluar kat jalan raya, fuh... bestnya dunia.. hehe
kak ma : sampai kawasan sekolah guna gear 2, nak berhenti gear 1, nak jalan biasa gear 3
aku : kalau guna gear 4 tak boley?
kak ma : gear 3 je..
setiap kali aku nak pecut kak ma stop aku. bosan.
gile berlagak btol.tak lepas baru tau.
Monday, May 25, 2009
standing ovation
well, it's still true.
but this performance by kanye is somewhat different.
first, he adds up some more lyrics. real deep, meaningful lyrics.
second, he delivers the song so great that i can actually feel the pain and sadness in the song.
definitely epic.
favourite lines:
"does this hurtful comment have a receipt?"
"does this staggering piece of truth that was never told have an expiration date?"
and owh. another one.
"with my pink shirt on. does this look gay to you?"
Sunday, May 24, 2009
asian united
This is the Project EAR - Marabahaya.
In the video you will find Pop Shuvit (Malaysia), Slapshock (Philippines), Saint Loco (Indonesia), Ahli Fiqir (Singapore), Thaitanium (Thailand), and Silksounds (Thailand).
gila gempak.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
NOKP : 910502035098 |
POSKOD KEM : 09000 |
TARIKH LAPOR : 16/06/2009 |
MASA LAPOR : 2.30 PTG dang! it's too late already.. |
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
but then..
probably the best prank ever. i mean come one, it's PCD!
adam is sooo lucky!
the next one is from panic! at the disco, lead from pop shuvit and arianna give a gotcha call to rahul from one buck short. obs was supposed to be the opening act for the PATD concert. but then they told him they want pop shuvit instead of one buck short.
i think brendon can't pull off a prank. he gets giddy so quick. lol so adorable :p
Sunday, May 17, 2009
the 'i know-i know-i know' part is kinda amazing, although it seems to annoy me a lil bit. lol
judging from his appearance i thought he's gonna sing a rock song. dang! here comes a woman voice.
simon : it's like a dog meowing.
i don't really follow the latest season of american idol. i just heard about adam lambert, how good he is, bla bla bla. but then i don't really like his voice. at least not for me.
but when i watched the top 3 a couple of days ago, i was attracted to this performance by kris allen. he sang heartless by kanye west. never heard of the original version, but since randy said it's better than kanye west, i think it's enough already.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
say no to zac (updated)
Universal Pictures has revealed that Vertigo Entertainment is developing an American live action film adaptation of Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata’s supernatural suspense manga story Death Note.
The person they wish to play Light Yagami is none other than Disney's own:
like WTF????
rumoured director-- Bryan Bertino- is known for his film "The Strangers" Which only gained a 41% on Rotten Tomatoes, is said to be directing it. He is surely planning on making this a horror film, which any REAL Death Note fan knows that it is not.
For those who disagree, please sign this.
Petition to cast Ken'ichi Matsuyama (original actor) as L
Your support is greatly appreciated.”
*can't imagine having zac efron as kira. that will make kira looks gay. omg. absolute disaster.
i mean, of course light and zac kinda look the same. but kira is an epic character. and it needs more than just a DISNEY GAY FREAK. zac is sooooo not meant for light.
why do they have to do the american remake?? i mean seriously. screw u american!!!!
there's no way the american version is going to be as amazing as the japanese version. it's like death note is only meant for japanese. look at what they did to dragon ball!!!!! and not to mention street fighter!!! A COMPLETE DISASTER!
anyway, this is just a rumour though. but still, i don't like the idea of having an american remake of death note. it's like watching marc (ugly betty) playing as the joker instead of heath ledger.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
cello genius
When the girl was thinking about love, the room fell silent as usual.
However, her mind was drifting and unsettled.
When she was thinking about love, she worried over her reflection while looking in the mirror.
I wish I were cuter,
I wish I were more honest…
She is again a long way off from sleep.
With one more chapter left, what will the girl’s destiny be?
Have you guys had this kind of experience?
I used to be like this before exams…restless and having trouble sleeping.
And once I became sleepy during the exam the next day!
On my way to the management office today, I saw cats.
One of them was a friendly calico and I made friends with it. I took a picture.
It was yawning here.
People would stare strangley at me since I start speaking the cat language when I see cats.
Can you guys also speak the cat language?
By the way...
"Hisssss!" means
"Don't come" or "Don't get closer."
I feel sad when a cat says that to me.
-Kanon Wakeshima-
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
my cousin decided to quit from taking medical after completing his first year.
he's quite a genius. but he's afraid to inject people with needle.
not to mention the surgery thingy.
then why did he take this course in the first place..?
he wants to quit. and i don't know what kind of journey will he choose next.
this makes me think of quitting too.
since i know where i stand. and it's far below that level.
i'm not trying to give up.
but if i don't quit now, then it's gonna be much complex afterward.
people always respond to me by saying that:
"it's ok.u can do it"
"think positive.it's not that hard"
"this is a good opportunity.good job.good MONEY"
well, those people won't be saying that anymore when they put themselves in my shoes.
dosuru no? huh.. yappari mendou na..
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
luffy the captain of pirates
masih menunggu kawan-kawan cuti untuk pergi joli.
cepatlah kau orang.
aku tunggu masa saja nak mental di rumah ni.
nasib baik ada naruto. dan juga luffy.
ya, aku dah ada masalah mental.
jauhkan animasi dariku~
p/s : one piece is getting more exciting now. combination of 3 captain : luffy, eustass kidd and trafalgar law. episode 399 is definitely epic and phenomenal.
ya ya aku dah gila. terima kasih.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
tanjobi omedeto
apabila tiba hari lahir, ini menandakan :
- anda semakin tua
- anda semakin hampir dengan kematian
- anda akan kehilangan zaman2 yang enjoy dan kool
- anda tidak boleh bersikap kebudak-budakan lagi
- anda akan merasakan dunia ini sungguh bermasalah
- anda perlu bertindak mengikut akal, bukan perasaan
- anda akan kerap dipanggil akak atau mungkin juga makcik, bukan lagi adik
- anda akan rasa malu untuk makan nyum nyum di khalayak ramai
- anda terpaksa minat *cough* barbie *cough* secara sembunyi2
- anda mungkin akan menerima kehadiran orang baru dalam hidup anda (i'm not even that close lol)
so, this is why i don't really like to celebrate my birthday.
i'm 18 today.getting older.a tough life is waiting for me.please god.not just yet.i still wanna have fun.still wanna be crazy.
tanjobi omedeto.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
lagi satu drama berkualiti. the concept is almost the same as ghost whisperer. but i guess this one is much better. at least i thought so.
and owh, my *cough* man *cough* zahiril is starring in the second season. well, i got the feeling that he's the culprit behind the murder. if it is, then i'll be the first one to say
"oh no you didn't!!!"
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
merah puteh
ok. di mana perlu aku mula.
sejujurnya, aku bukanlah jenis yang suka melayan cerita melayu. namun ada pihak2 yang berkecuali. kalau filem, aku hanya akan tengok cerita arahan yasmin ahmad dan afdlin shauki. dan mungkin juga filem2 yang ber'style' kami the movie dan gol dan gincu. yang lain, sorry aku tolak tepi. drama lagilah aku malas nak layan.
tapi drama merah dan puteh ni agak lain daripada rata2 drama melayu yang ada di tv sekarang, umpamanya drama yang entah apa2 seperti spa q, cinta untuk ain, dan seangkatan dengannya.
sebenarnya, apa yang menjadikan drama2 tersebut low class dari pandangan mata aku ialah kelemahan skrip dan kualiti pelakon. rata2 skrip macam sampah. sangat cliche. bosan. cheesy. corny. yang membuatkan orang seperti aku selalu meluahkan kata2 seperti "adehh..." atau "nak muntah siot" atau "asal bodoh sangat cite ni?" dan sebagainya. pelakon pula. *mengeluh* balik2 muka sama. kalau pandai berlakon tak apalah.make up pula tebal tahap gaban. muka perempuan macam pontianak. yang lelaki pula macam bapuk.
yang membuatkan aku lagi suka drama ni sebab MERAH lakonan zahiril adzim. sangat selamba. tak perlu action yang lebih2. kool. macam tengok realiti program. like diari af. ok aku tak tengok benda mengarut tu. aku pun tak tahu sejak bila aku minat mamat ni. aku tahu yang dia pernah berlakon dalam kami the movie. tapi masa tu aku tak acknowledge dia pun. haha. sengal. maybe lepas aku tengok dia baca puisi masa event bintang jatuh anjuran wani ardy. tak sangka pulak tajul yang gangster bagai nak rak boleh jadi pemuisi.
p/s: just in case if MERAH reads this, (well, i know it's quite a big possibility to be impossible) boy i tell you that you should try yasmin ahmad's style. trust me, your talent won't be wasted. buktinya, tengok filem talentime. tak perlu ada pelakon2 terkenal, lawa2, tapi lakonan mereka sangat berkesan. ok? *wink*
Monday, April 27, 2009
bas malam
pukul 1.56 pagi.
di dalam bas.
bosan. dan lapar.
tu lah. orang suruh habiskan burger tadi tak nak.
handphone pun lupa nak charge. kan dah habis bateri.
last2 buka beg ambil laptop. senang cerita.
hmm. macam tak tahu nak tulis apa la pulak.
oo ya. sejuk. sangat2. sebab tak ada selimut.
dan tak selesa. sangat2. sebab peot.
tadi beli souvenir untuk orang2 di rumah.
first time nak buat baik. *angel*
dan. dan mak cik aku mahu kahwin.
dengan siapa pun dia tak tahu.
aku lagi la tak tahu.
aku hanya mampu wish all the best to her.
and hopefully it won't happen to me.
at least, i won't allow it to happen to me.
zettai ni.
p/s: after this aku tak akan balik malam dah. takut aku tak sedar. nanti tak pasal2 dah sampai kat kota. naya aku.
Friday, April 24, 2009
kura2 makan gulai
and it's freaking BOOOORIIIING since the internet line was cut off.
and god knows how pathetic my life would be without internet.
so i decided to go to mmu.
dan line internet sangat2 lembab tahap kura2 baru lepas makan gulai.
huh. nama saja multimedia. multi sangat la.
esok dah nak balik. dan housemate aku still menggila. like always.
the one and only meroyan. sick.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
everytime my head was overloaded with digits, i felt like throwing up.
i like math, i do. but i guess numbers are not my yin fern. hehe.
tomorrow will be the last paper.
and probably the last time i'll be stressing my head off in there.
uwaah. better get back to permutation and combination.
and probability.
if not, the probability of me getting an F in math wud be 99.9%
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
zutto hitori.
wakatte kure no ka? sono kimochi.
mou ichido, minna no aisaretai.
sono yume, yappari muri ka?
saa na.
global warming
cyberjaya sudah terasa effect global warming.
hari-hari panas.
malam pun panas.
petang lagi panas.
is it the weather or me having lots of sins? haha.
by the way, kepada pm baru kita, najib.
tanamlah pokok kat cyberjaya ni banyak2.
dan buatlah shopping complex satu. beserta panggung wayang.
or mungkin kalau bajet tak cukup boleh set up gerai2 tepi jalan.
bolehlah kami menikmati cendol petang2.
janganlah elitkan sangat cyberjaya ni.
sampai gerai goreng pisang pun tak ada.
er.... ok back to the topic.
di cyberjaya kalau jemur baju setengah jam pun dah kering. panas sangat..
hish..manusia. tak pernah nak bersyukur.
panas pun complaint, hujan pun complaint.
so, sama2lah kita selamatkan bumi.
save cyberjaya, save the world!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
i wanna screeeeaaamm!!
problem dah setel.
mekasih kt izzah nasir first and foremost.
nasihat ko mmg sgt bergune.
boley jadik pakar motivasi nih. haha.
anyway to aufa too. (tak taula nape kite b'trime kasih kt awak.spatotnye x perlu.haha)
yokatta ne~
masalah dah selesai..........kot?
hahaha.whatever la..
note:aku x gune bhs baku kali ni.sbb mood t'lampau hepi.so x smpat nk pikir gne bhs pe.huhu
Saturday, April 18, 2009
growing up
i ran away from home just to avoid my problems.
i never did something like this before. i never thought i would think of that. and i was taking the risk of probability getting failed in the examination since all i did at my aunt's house was eating, laughing and watching the screen with moving pictures and sounds.
to tell or not to tell. that is the question.
i hate to admit how pathetic i will look like if i tell them about it. i don't want them to see 'the weak najwa'. even though i used to cry a couple of times in front of them. but still.
since i promised myself starting from this semester that i will never cry because of the problems i have.
how pathetic people can be, when they go to you like you're an angel when you have something that they want, when they want you to do something that they can't do because they are too coward, when they want someone to eat with, to laugh with.
but they ran away from you, left you alone in the house when they want to do something that you aren't capable of, when you're not smart enough, and when you don't have anything that will attract them, like you're some kind of a disease.
when will they grow up? to be able to stop doing this.
when will I grow up? to be able to solve this.
seribu satu kemungkinan
semua orang mula bertukar profesi menjual ikan apabila tiba musim peperiksaan.
mengapa agaknya ya?
adakah musim peperiksaan itu jatuh pada musim tengkujuh?
atau harga barang naik pada musim peperiksaan? kerana untuk mendapat keputusan cemerlang makanan berprotein tinggi seperti ikan hendaklah diutamakan?
atau mungkin kerana penjualan ikan tersebut ada kaitan dengan subjek2 seperti biologi atau matematik?
atau mungkin itu alasan semata-mata untuk fokus kepada peperiksaan.
manusia yang tipikal.
Friday, April 17, 2009
rasa hati
pernah tak kau rasa
ada sesuatu yang kau ingin khabarkan kepada seseorang itu
tapi kau simpan saja dalam hati kecil itu
pernah tak kau rasa
sebak di dada yang tak mampu kau tanggung keseorangan
tapi kau tahan saja air mata itu
pernah tak kau rasa
hati kau diremuk-remuk sampai hampir tidak bernyawa
tapi kau biarkan saja, tidak melawan masalah itu
pernah tak kau rasa
suka sama si manusia ini sangat-sangat
tapi kau pendam saja perasaan itu
pernah tak kau rasa
ingin menceritakan siapa kau sebenar
tapi kau takut kerana ego yang menguasai itu
pernah tak kau rasa
menyesal akan sesuatu perkara
tapi kau tak mampu mengubah nasib itu
pernah tak kau rasa
marah dan kecewa dengan sikap si dia
tapi kau tak berkuasa menukar hidup manusia itu
pernah tak kau rasa
kesunyian walau dikerumun beribu manusia
tapi kau tak berdaya menyingkir perasaan itu
pernah tak kau rasa
inginkan masa depan seperti yang diharapkan
tapi kau tak yakin dengan kebolehan diri itu
pernah tak kau rasa
telah mengecewakan semua hati mereka
tapi kau tak bisa mengampun diri itu
aku pernah.