Monday, September 22, 2008

super duper brave?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

i couldn't believe that i actually did it..

yesterday i was at home with aufa. i didn't feel so well since my stomach hurt like HELL. plus my head was getting dizzy too, thinking about the chemistry report which was DEM confusing!ok enuff about that. then i decided to go to bed. suddenly there's this stupid neighbour (neighbour ka?) who lived behind our house played a REALLY REALLY DEM LOUD MUSIC.what's up with that?

at first i was okay with it since it's a slow song aite. after that, i heard a bloody crap rock music. man that's too much..

so what did i do?

i went upstairs to my bedroom and to the balcony. i waited till the song finished...SILENCE. yosh! now's the right time before he played another song.
WOI!!!!!! BISING AR!!!!!!!!

..........YUP, I YELLED. acting like i was still in boarding school where i would shout anytime, anywhere i wanted.

then, i heard someone replied :

SHUT THE F**K UP!!!!!!!!

OK. now he' pissing me off. now what?

i reached my cellphone and dialled CYBERJAYA POLICE. yup, unbelievable isn't it... well, he deserved it. 5 minutes later the police arrived. he asked me where's the house. he found it weird since he couldn't hear any loud sound. he also asked me whether it's always so noisy like that. huh...banyak tanye tol polis ni.. pegi je la umah tu..tanye aku wat pe..

then they rushed (rushed is kinda exaggerated)to that moron's house. a few minutes later, he turned off the music. YEAY!!

super duper brave? well honestly i felt kinda scared when he shouted back with the f word, thinking he might attack me or something. but then, WHO CARES?


  1. ni macam cerita create je ni?
    Berani gila kol polis?
    macam tak caya pulak

  2. bukan tak caye
    tapi terkejut sikit la..
    pastu polis tu cakap ape kat neighbour tu?

  3. i dunno
    n i don't even care
    as long as he turned off the music
    then it's enuff oredy

  4. divogsometimes,people dont care about what do we want,
    It is us who should care about it
